Background: When users view the “Element List” in the Workspace or “My Elements” and in a Grid “List View” they can see “dependencies”. When an element has any dependencies we show a tree icon. This makes it difficult when users are in a meeting to see how many dependencies each element has.
If an element is for example a “Project” then you might want to see how many other elements or “projects” are linked to your main project.
Solution: We will change the “Tree Icon” in the element list view for both the “Workspace or My Elements” and in the “Grid List View” to a 2 NUMBER or “Counter” showing the number of children / parents.
The number will be split in 2 to show “Children and Parents” ie 12 / 6 with a mouse over to show that it is “[Children] / [Parents]”
When a user clicks the numbers, it will show the standard dependencies modal as we have it today where a user can see all the dependencies.