Click on Metrics in the navigation bar anywhere in the platform. Select a metric to visualize the graph. You will notice a text box appearing on the right of the graph.
Add a review starting with the name, for example, "September 2020 Review" and any supporting text. To finalize, click save. The new review will be saved to the graph.
The last review made will be displayed next to the graph. Below the review, you can also see who created the review and when. If the review was edited, this will also be displayed.
To edit, download, or delete the review, click on the action icon (...) to the right of the review. You can only edit a review if you are a contributor, the responsible, co-responsible, or admin. If you want to see all the reviews for a metric, click on the "Reviews" option.
Each review created captures the graph at the time of the review.